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Spearfishing Tonga

Writer: Wet MammalWet Mammal

A collection of some of the fish speared from our time Spearfishing in Tonga, here we have targeted a variety of species to consume on our camping/self sustaining adventure. Tonga has no legal size limits in place so we pretty much just applied Australian rules and common sense so we didn’t shoot anything undersize. At the end of the video is bit of Sashimi prepared by a chef for us using our catch it was delicious.

Unfortunately due some injuries sustained prior to the trip we weren’t in the water as much as we had hopped. And I also suffered some malfunctions with the trigger mech of my new gun…. Which sucked so bad, on top of that I lost my lovely green rubbers on the first day they literally shot off the gun and disappeared in some surge never to be seen again, the replacement rubbers I used were brought in Tonga and were crap, they lacked power and towards the end of the trip had almost completely lost their elasticity and were rubbish. Im normally a cracking shot but with these rubbers I found the power constantly changing causing an effect on my accuracy… I did however manage to catch lunch and dinners.

Some of the bigger fish including my big Bluefin Trevally were not caught on camera and only photos and memories remain as evidence haha, the last shot fired on the trip was at the tuna and at that point I was so frustrated with how weak the rubbers had become, my aim was to nail a tuna the whole time I was there but I guess its just another fish to chase and a bigger build up.

Swimming with the Whales at the end was bloody insane I highly recommend it, in all my blue experiences this has been the best and the thing to make me feel the smallest I have ever felt, however it was nothing but a calm and cool experience.

Enjoy the video plenty more to come in the coming weeks!

All fish were of what I considered decent size and were speared for consumption. We both have abided by local laws and traditions. Over the past 2 years we have both made the commitment to no longer buy fish so the only fish we eat is the fish we catch.

Spearfishing is the most sustainable form of fishing on the planet, and there for the most environmentally friendly one, the footage is taken from numerous dives from our trip in Tonga.

Looking for feedback to improve my vids, drop me a comment if you have any ideas :D


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